Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rainshowers and Carwashes

Rainshowers and Carwashes

    Well the internet hasn't been working at my house, probably won't be for sometime- but I am getting my oil changed at the moment and they have free wi-fi so thought I would jot down a fast little entry.

    Dan is about to start his new schedule so we got to spend the day together today! Always fun! So we decided to get the car a much needed oil change, really, I can't remember the last time it was done which is horrible to admit.  Where we go will wash your car along with the oil change.  They wipe down and vaccuum the inside, clean and Rain-ex the out and try to get all the bugs I terminated on the interstate!  It's a little more pricey but it beats the hell out of sitting in some dirty mechanics office with a girly calender on the wall... ladies you know what I am talking about!  The place that we go has a cafe inside so you can get something to drink and they have little gift items there too!

   The only thing that kinda stinks is the fact that everytime I go and get this done it starts raining!  Which in this drought I am NOT going to complain! We need it like none other, I mean the grass is becoming crunchy and leaves are starting to fall off the trees.  It did this last year and our fall wasn't as pretty as it should have been.  So far though we haven't hit the 116 that was our boiling point last summer so that's good!

   Here's hoping my car stays clean for a little while and my internet get's to working soon!

Love and carwashes!


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