Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What's For Dinner?

What's For Dinner?

     What's for dinner?  The question asked across this great country every day.  As a kid I remember asking that question and being so happy when I was told we were having something like spaghetti.  Being that Dan and I wake up extremely early and I don't get off until seven our evenings always revolve around dinner.  Unfortunately for us we were out of everything and are really trying to cut back on the fast food.  It is tasty, but, come one there are like a bizillion calories in it, it's expensive and really bad for you.  Our solution trek out to the grocery store. 

    We decided to go to a local grocery store and not the big box, soul sucking, power houses like Walmart or Target.  Of course you pay more for these smaller stores, but, at least your helping the community and you get a better selection of meats and produce.  

    In my fantasy land, I would be June Cleaver waiting for my family with a nice pot roast and a homemade chocolate cake with that fifties dreamy smile plastered on my face.  My hair would be perfect as would my makeup and I would have loving set my table for the perfect family dinner.  As this is 2012 and I am not a housewife- one, because it isn't the fifties, two people have to work to maintain a household these days and two, I would probably go berzurk and blow up my town from boredom.  We each got to choose our own dinners.  I got a frozen pasta thing which was surprisingly tasty and Dan made himself chili dogs.  Ah yes, we are that modern family aren't we?

    Tomorrow we will make our lasagna, something we tried to do tonight but were too tired to wait for that thing to cook.  We'll cuddle on the couch, watch movies and wait for Friday.

Love and Din,


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm Back So Here's Whats Been Going On!

Back To Blogging

     So this is what's been going on, I still haven't gotten internet fully restored to my house.  Not because I can't afford it but because I am moving soon and don't feel like having people come out hook up only to have to disconnect it and have more people come out in a month.  I have figured out that I can use Wi-Fi from my phone to my computer... isn't technology fun?  I have also disconnect my satellite too because when I move we are going to bundle cable and internet together, so for the next month I am going to be really bored.  That or I will catch up on the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich.  My mother got me reading them and I am completely hooked!

    My job is going good but still really frustrating at times.  I really want a job in an office in the next year, I mean I actually like this job as a whole but getting screamed at by irate and unrational customers get's a little tired.  Ya dig what I mean?  I've also paid off two bills, I am working really really hard to make all my payments on time and get completely out of debt.  Which is frick fracking hard to do!

    Dan and I also know when we are getting married, so we are starting to try and get in shape.  I am thinking of joining Weight Watchers, so if you have any advice of this program please comment below...

    Just wanted to let everyone know I'm back.  Happy to start my daily blogging again!

Love and Daily Humdrum-


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble

     My safe haven, my escape, a comfort zone if you will.  I've always loved bookstores, we didn't have any in the town I grew up in so when we went to bigger cities that had a Books-A-Million or a Barnes & Noble I would insist that we go in.  It was more important than shopping for clothes, I had to go stock up on books and I was always, after being in the store for over an hour, being rushed to just pick something already so we could go home!  Nothing has changed, and, what with my internet still being on the fritz I am enjoying the WiFi at the Starbucks in the Barnes & Noble down the road from my home. 
       With my laptop in hand and the other cradling an iced latte I ask you does it get better than this?  Coffee, books and internet.  I still won't be able to update my blog daily but since I've remember a little thing called WiFi hopefully you'll be hearing from me more often!

Love and Lattes:


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blogging Downtime

I wish I looked this glamorous in a bathing suit! 

Traveling with "The Four Hats' Crew"

     I have so much to catch up on.  Our internet has been down at home and being that we were leaving for a vacation we weren't all hell bent on fixing it.  But it will be fixed on Friday so I can return to the regular world of blogging!  (sigh of relief) 
Dan and I at the Peabody in Memphis, TN

me and my tree at the zoo!

     Our vacation went fantastic and I should have caught up on some blogs then, but, what with trying to cram in as much as each day could hold then eating a big meal and drinking an adult beverage, well, I just didn't feel like busting out the old laptop and trying to think creatively!  The first day I found a Sand Dollar at a sandbar that we went to.  I've spend many-a vacation time, not mention living in Florida, looking for one of those damn things and I finally found one!  It was the perfect way to kick off a South Florida vacation!  Then we tried to go to the zoo but a tropical storm blew in and we decided that wasn't a good idea, so we spent the rest of the day at Bayside Market and eating!. We went back to the zoo the next day and had a great time!  You can rent bicycle cars that fit up to six people in them and feed the giraffes!  Mike kept trying to run people over in our car!  Some of the people in my opinion needed to get ran over!  Feeding the giraffes is always my highlight of that zoo! Really how many times in your life have you got to feed a giraffe?  

Look at that tongue!

He was trying to steal my lettuce!!

   Next on the agenda was Universal Islands of Adventure to visit Hogsmead and Hogwarts.  My inner Harry Potter nerd went crazy! Butterbeers, owls, castles and chocolate frogs- I didn't know which way to go! We also saw comic book hero's, comic strip characters, Dr. Sues Land and stopped by Jurassic Park.  The River ride scared the life out of me.  I mean you know that log rides have a drop but this one has a DROP!!!  I wish I had bought the picture because the face I was making was priceless!
Hogwarts Express!

Yap! That's what the cold Butterbeer will do to ya!

Me and Chad waiting to go into Olivander's Wand Shop.  It was raining which felt great after the humid day!

Mike, always keeping people laughing!

   After that we were pretty tired and spent the rest of the time beaching it.  We were also there during the kick off of lobster season and we ate a lobster feast!  Oh man I would walk back to South Florida for more of those delectable little morsels!

The guys on South Beach!

South beach!

    Then, like all wonderful things in the world, good things come to an end- it was time to pack out bags and leave.  So sad to see our time there come to an end.  Plus, I wish that our family lived a little bit closer.  We only get to see them once a year if we're lucky.  Which really sucks!


     The way back was not that great.  No longer were we on the vacation high, just exhausted from six days of running ourselves ragged.  I really don't know how Dan did it because he drove most of the trip while the rest of us selfishly slept.  We stopped in Memphis for the best barbecue I have ever eaten.  Rendezvous.  Do yourself a favor if you ever find yourself in Memphis stop by.  Your taste buds won't be disappointed! We also went by the National Civil Rights Museum where Dr. Martin Luther King was shot, Sun Studios and The Peabody Hotel.  I hope to be going back to Memphis this year for a long weekend I would like to see all these things again and have more time to actually appreciate it!

    Now we are just trying to get back into our routines, which is never easy when you've been somewhere great.  We are busy planning a new vacation and dreaming of more vacation time away from our jobs and Oklahoma!
The Four Hats' Crew 

   Love and blogging,

Stephanie and the rest of The Four Hats Crew

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rainshowers and Carwashes

Rainshowers and Carwashes

    Well the internet hasn't been working at my house, probably won't be for sometime- but I am getting my oil changed at the moment and they have free wi-fi so thought I would jot down a fast little entry.

    Dan is about to start his new schedule so we got to spend the day together today! Always fun! So we decided to get the car a much needed oil change, really, I can't remember the last time it was done which is horrible to admit.  Where we go will wash your car along with the oil change.  They wipe down and vaccuum the inside, clean and Rain-ex the out and try to get all the bugs I terminated on the interstate!  It's a little more pricey but it beats the hell out of sitting in some dirty mechanics office with a girly calender on the wall... ladies you know what I am talking about!  The place that we go has a cafe inside so you can get something to drink and they have little gift items there too!

   The only thing that kinda stinks is the fact that everytime I go and get this done it starts raining!  Which in this drought I am NOT going to complain! We need it like none other, I mean the grass is becoming crunchy and leaves are starting to fall off the trees.  It did this last year and our fall wasn't as pretty as it should have been.  So far though we haven't hit the 116 that was our boiling point last summer so that's good!

   Here's hoping my car stays clean for a little while and my internet get's to working soon!

Love and carwashes!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Um, Like Why Are You Dressed Like That?

Um, Like Why Are You Dressed Like That?
This is one of the only pictures that I have with my "Rosie" it was the first time I  ever did it.  My hair was also in pin curls...
     As most of my friends know, my style is a little different.  I love all things vintage, I love rockabilly styles, old cars, cat eyed eyeliner and love love love old school vinyl.  Nothing sounds better than a record, just my opinion- but I think most people would agree!  I usually wear my hair in the Rosie the riveter style, with as I said earlier cat eyeliner.  I try to find things that have a vintage yet modern feel to them.  The point of this entry is, this is my style: why do strangers feel the need to stare and comment on it?

     I can handle stares and I love the compliments, which believe it or not I get a lot of when I rock the vintage look. What I don't understand is comments like this:

1.  Are you going to a costume party?  Um, no.  How rude is that?  I may not even be dressed up that much and people have asked this.  Once I was just buying Ruby Roo (A matte lipstick by MAC) and the sales person asked that!  I just glared at her and said no I just like the vintage look.

2.  How do you get your headscarf to stay on.  This I don't mind, because, they aren't being mean- they actually like my style!  But, after the twentieth time someone has asked you this it's like well, thanks for the questions and compliments, but I didn't really come in here to give your a hair and makeup tutorial!  Now if you don't mind I would like to continue to do my shopping in peace with out you pointing at me with your girlfriends and asking me more questions!  Truthfully though, this one I don't mind all that much.
I can never get my wings to go out that much!  Takes so much practice!

3.  You do know it's 2012 not 1947.  No shit, I had no idea that while walking around blogging on a laptop and carrying around my cell phone it wasn't 2012.  I'm not delusional, I'm eccentric... I guess, if you want to label it!  I know there is no way my opinionated sort of feminist self could ever be in the 40's and 50's, even if I do think things may have been better than.  Manner's wise that is, plus, families seemed to care for each other.  
Oh, I want this car so bad!!!

4.  Is your hair supposed to look like that?  That one stung, but, I still wont change who I am.  Why should I and why should I look like everyone else?  Where is the fun in that?  

5.  So, where do you find all this stuff you where?  Thrift stores, Ebay and webstores... Then I get asked, Eww you wear old stuff?  Yeah, and it still looks fab and in good condition. Let's see if that Hollister or Gap brand crap your wearing looks this good in fifty years.  (By the way, I like both of those brands, but, they seem to fall apart fast!)

    So if you see someone that may not look like the norm, please don't stare and don't judge! We just happen to have better fashion sense than you! Totally kidding... I just mean not everyone is the same, some of us follow our own stars and want to do something a little different then the average person.  For me I think that vintage clothes look better and they fit better too.  They were made when women relished their curves, they embraced their femininity.  And, although women have always wanted to look their best, starving themselves wasn't a part of the plan.  I hate most designers today, because they are making clothes for these women that are six feet something and weigh eighty pounds. Clothes today are horrible they stretch out in all the wrong places, looks sloppy, lumpy and are unflattering!  
Working on these measurements! LOL!

Love and Rockabilly forever,


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Small Town U.S.A.

Small Town U.S.A.

     I live in Tulsa, OK which isn't the biggest city in the US... it is a city but has a small town feel to it.  Anyways, I heard about a festival in one of the outer suburbs called- hang on to your hats- The Bixby Corn Festival.  I can't make this stuff up!  But I heard that it was pretty fun so I thought I would go and have a looksey.  First of all it wasn't as hillbilly as it sounded.  It was a bunch of craft booths and food venders, then tonight a little carnival.  Dan and I don't ride carnival rides. Well, we don't ride very many rides carnival or not, so there wasn't a point in going back.  

     It would have been more enjoyable if it wasn't 105 outside.  This heat needs to build up a good thunderstorm, its so hot out!  A good storm needs to come and cool it off.  I can handle heat up to about 98 degrees, however, once we get well into the hundreds I'm hiding inside with the A/C blasting!  They were handing out fans and bottled water, which was pretty nice because usually most places take advantage of heat and make you pay five dollars a bottle or some nonesense like that.

     We did find a new burger joint which was featured in Southern Living.  It's no Weber's but it was a very close second.  The burger it's self was very tasty but I had to deduct points for the fries.  Weber's has home cut french fries and these were the crinkle cut frozen kind.  I love french fries and the homemade kind will always trump the frozen, if any of you reading own a hamburger joint cut the frozen crap and go back to the original!

     We then wandered outside where I saw a sign for friend green tomatoes.  I love some good friend green tomatoes, yeah I know, I'm country leave me alone.  Can't help it, I was raised in a little bity town in Oklahoma.  Good soul food is what I was raised on, but I digress.I knew that I would be eating them so I only got the baby burger at the cafe.  These were horrible.  I was so disappointed!  They were deep fried and they served them with ranch... ew!  First of all, I hate ranch and second I like mine fried in a pan preferably a cast iron pan but never deep fried!  

Of course I had to add some Fried Green Tomatoes Clips!
     So, this brings me to the last portion of the blog.  My dinner.  You know I went home and made fried green tomatoes the right way.  They were so delicious and I was too excited to eat them to take a photo.  The right way shouldn't be majorly coated in flour you should be able to see a little of the tomato skin.  I can still taste them and I am going to have to go hunt more down because even Dan who hates, hates, hates tomatoes had to say they were tasty!

Love and Small Town Fun,


Friday, June 29, 2012

I Love The 80's

I Love the 80's

     As we all know by now I love things from the 40's and 50's, but, that's not all! Being that I was born in the 80's I love all things 80's... even that big awful hair.  So I thought I would write a little about that crazy decade when crack attacked, AIDS became something we learned about in kindergarten and people drove Gremlins.  Not to mention wacky shows like Alf, Growing Pains and Night Court.
I don't know why, but, this was outside a movie theater here in Tulsa.

     Let me get to the shows and movies that I still watch even though it's 2012! Starting with the top of the list: The Golden Girls.  I like nothing more then kicking back and watching Sophia's one lined zinger's.  Picture this, I always watch them while I do housework and especially while I am folding laundry.  I've been watching this show since I was about six years old.  First I started watching it with my Nana, then my cousin cemented it.  I've been watching it ever since.  But I digress, as Sophia would say.


     Next I watch Designing Women, because this reminds me of my mom.  She always liked that show and although I was too little for it to hold my interest when it was originally syndicated, I do remember it being on.  Thanks to T.V. or DVD I have the first season and am working on building the rest into my DVD collection.

I found out this house is in Little Rock, AR

    If you're talking about the 80's and the sitcoms you know the last one that should be mentioned.  The Cosby Show.  I don't have any season on DVD, yet.  (That's about to change, thanks to my new job and my  love for spending hours on end browsing Ebay!)  I love the Cos, I have ever album that he recorded on vinyl.  My dad used to repeat the jokes to me when I was a kid and always seemed to be asking for a story. He said that when he was a kid he had all those albums, after he passed I made it a personal mission to find each one and add it to my own collection.


 I don't just relish the sitcoms but the movies too! Although I thought I would just post the pictures as I've spoke about a few of them before.  If your bored on Netflix I highly recommend them!  The highlighted ones are: ET, The Land Before Time, Mystic Pizza, Steel Magnolia's and Nine to Five.  

     By the way I watched The Land Before Time a few months ago and bawled through the whole damn movie.  Seriously- I remember my mom telling me she wouldn't rent that movie for me anymore if I cried when watched it.  Guess twenty some odd years later I still didn't get that memo!

Like Totally hoped you enjoyed this awesome blog post,
