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Friday, June 29, 2012

I Love The 80's

I Love the 80's

     As we all know by now I love things from the 40's and 50's, but, that's not all! Being that I was born in the 80's I love all things 80's... even that big awful hair.  So I thought I would write a little about that crazy decade when crack attacked, AIDS became something we learned about in kindergarten and people drove Gremlins.  Not to mention wacky shows like Alf, Growing Pains and Night Court.
I don't know why, but, this was outside a movie theater here in Tulsa.

     Let me get to the shows and movies that I still watch even though it's 2012! Starting with the top of the list: The Golden Girls.  I like nothing more then kicking back and watching Sophia's one lined zinger's.  Picture this, I always watch them while I do housework and especially while I am folding laundry.  I've been watching this show since I was about six years old.  First I started watching it with my Nana, then my cousin cemented it.  I've been watching it ever since.  But I digress, as Sophia would say.


     Next I watch Designing Women, because this reminds me of my mom.  She always liked that show and although I was too little for it to hold my interest when it was originally syndicated, I do remember it being on.  Thanks to T.V. or DVD I have the first season and am working on building the rest into my DVD collection.

I found out this house is in Little Rock, AR

    If you're talking about the 80's and the sitcoms you know the last one that should be mentioned.  The Cosby Show.  I don't have any season on DVD, yet.  (That's about to change, thanks to my new job and my  love for spending hours on end browsing Ebay!)  I love the Cos, I have ever album that he recorded on vinyl.  My dad used to repeat the jokes to me when I was a kid and always seemed to be asking for a story. He said that when he was a kid he had all those albums, after he passed I made it a personal mission to find each one and add it to my own collection.


 I don't just relish the sitcoms but the movies too! Although I thought I would just post the pictures as I've spoke about a few of them before.  If your bored on Netflix I highly recommend them!  The highlighted ones are: ET, The Land Before Time, Mystic Pizza, Steel Magnolia's and Nine to Five.  

     By the way I watched The Land Before Time a few months ago and bawled through the whole damn movie.  Seriously- I remember my mom telling me she wouldn't rent that movie for me anymore if I cried when watched it.  Guess twenty some odd years later I still didn't get that memo!

Like Totally hoped you enjoyed this awesome blog post,


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