Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Want to know that your bothering me?? List of how-to's and what not to do's!

These Are, Like, Some Things That, Like, Bother Me

        I’ve been lazy and haven’t made any of the yummy recipes I have lined up. Although, my new stove is awesome (and so pretty).  So I thought I would write some on the things that bother me, all of this is in jest and from my point of view of course. Most likely I have or maybe even still do some of these from time to time and that bothers me even more!

1.    Using these words: like, really and seriously: URGHHH what is with looking bored and prissy and saying Seriously? (hopefully you’re hearing that little girl Barbie voice in your head because I am) or the only rebuttal you can manage is Really? How about coming up with a word with more than six letters in it?

2.   Full grown adults that wear Twilight T-shirts or decorate your office space with Harry Potter crap: I will admit this now I have read every one of those books and have the Harry Potter movies; even a few Twilight movies (the first one had the BEST soundtrack) however you will not catch me sporting any of these franchises on my person… unless I visit Universal Studios and go to Potter land. And I am planning to go there this summer. Outside of that place if you are over the age of thirteen you should not, I repeat SHOULD NOT put these items on your body!!

3.   When going through a check-out line and talking on you cell phone: Give that cashier two seconds of you time and acknowledge them. If you do chances are your eggs wont be thrown in your bag with force, possibly they wont put the bleach in with your peaches. Just trying to make a point here people...

4.   Cell phones in general: the saddest thing I have seen in a long time was a lady that took her son to the zoo, she couldn’t be bothered to look at the animals with him, no! she had to talk on her phone the entire time. He was so excited to see that animal and all she could do was wonder around and talk talk talk on that fucking thing. I’m not a parent, but, I don’t think it takes a genius to know that it’s important to give your kid some acknowledgement and just pay attention to them especially when you are in a setting like that. You only get a moment with them when they are excited to show you an animal in a zoo then it’s gone and they are teenagers to cool to be seen with you in public. Take that phone out of your ear, talk to you kid, drive your car and just be present in what’s going on around you!! And from the rest of us Shut The Fuck Up!!

5.   Day Glow and Tie-Dye: I remember this when I was a kid in the late 80’s and early 90’s and I totally rocked those curly neon pink and yellow shoe-strings thank you very much. With that being said this is one look, kinda like a really big French Poodle Perm that should’ve stayed back then. The tie-dye, that’s something I see old hippies selling on the side of the road, you know why? Because they’re smelly old hippies they’re perfume is patchouli and they’re probably going to sell you some herbs that are “medicinal” and a veggie burger that they made with the ingredients from their “victory-garden”. STAY AWAY FROM THESE ROAD SIDE VENDORS AND BACK AWAY FROM THE TIE-DYE!!!” If you are wearing a tie-dye shirt it better say “We Have Crabs” on the back… if you don’t get this then we have bigger issues then the shirt and seizure inducing color day glow colors.

That is all for now, I look forward to some more bothersome blogs!!


  1. lol I love it! Especially the cell phone one...even though we are in the business of cell service, it still really pisses me off to see parents doing that! They are missing out on soooo much.

  2. thanks amber! i love my cell phone (couldn't live without it!) but man there is a time and place for everything! love reading your blog by the way, your entry about your baby eating grass made me and dan laugh so hard!!!
