Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This Is How I Know Things...

Knowledge Is Power

The Tulsa Hardesty Library is really nice, all of these images are from there.
One of my sanctuaries is the library, Barnes and Noble or Books A Million.  I can stay in any of these places for hours on end.  Just browsing through the books makes me so happy and in a good mood... most of the days anyways.  Even if I don't buy anything there is always something to look at and learn.

I am pretty sure that I am a wealth of useless knowledge.  I can answer most trivia questions, hold my own or bluff my way through conversations with people that a far more intelligent then I am or just overall feel superior to the average person I meet.  That's bad but sometimes, when talking to randoms I am amazed how utterly stupid some people are.  True story I meet someone once who didn't know that Hawaii and Alaska are not neighbors in the ocean as they are on the map.  Or once a girl that worked with Dan thought that Thomas Jefferson was still alive, had no idea why Abraham Lincoln was famous and thought that Einstein was famous for inventing the bagel.  Really how have you been alive this long and known so little?  I don't understand.

Which brings me to my next point: the library.  When did this become a hangout for hobos?  I realize they don't care if you are there all day, provide free computer and Internet access and allow you to rent DVD's at no cost but geez if I come across one more person with B.O. and is coughing up Tuberculosis I think I really will gag.  Yes, I don't like germs and I don't like people that don't have the want to even bathe, so public places sometimes are a wee bit of a challenge for me.  Let's just say hand sanitizer is used to the 10th power in places like these!!

I guess what I am saying, is every once in a while do some reading and not Snooki's latest novel.  Actually pick up a book and learn something.  Don't treat the library like it is a Red Box and try to respect a book when you've borrowed it!

Love and reading,



  1. If you have a problem with homeless folks at the library, DON'T GO THERE. Some of them do not have the luxury of a daily shower. YOU DO NOT KNOW THEIR SITUATION. Would you rather they hide under a bridge, shooting up... so that you won't have to encounter their "Germs"?!? You are NOT superior to anyone, just because you READ. It must be awfully lonely in that ivory tower of yours.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you for the comment. You're the first person I don't know that has taken the time to write on my blog! I really appreciate all the comments I get, so good thing my entry pissed you off enough to take the time out of your day and make a comment on it!
      Love and basic hygiene skills,

