Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Dime Store Floozy

Dime Store Floozy

I titled this entry after watching 9 to 5 and hearing Dolly saying everyone thought she was a "Dime Store Floozy" that saying makes me laugh every time I hear it!
     I am an oddity. Maybe it's because I was raised and not just allowed to do anything and everything I wanted. Don't get me wrong I did plenty of things I wasn't supposed too.  I know everyone does things in their teenage years that they cringe to think of later on in life... but I digress.  Aren't you supposed to learn from those things?  What I am talking about this time is the fact that I was raised to carry myself with a certain class and mannerism.  I was always taught, manner's matter and the worst thing was for someone to think bad about you.  Granted I don't always care as much about other people's feelings as I should.  I can come across blunt and sarcastic or so I thought until recently.

   In all the jobs I have had and all the classes at college I have taken, one thing I have noticed is people around my age love to talk about the things they have done.  The people they sleep with, how wasted they got and how much weed they smoked.  They go in detail on the size and technique the man they were with had, how easy the girl was and so on.  This stuff doesn't offend me, when I feel I get to know someone personally I open up more too.  I just don't broadcast my personal life to everyone.  Until people get to know me, I am reserved, quite and sometimes shy.  I have no idea why because I used to be the extreme opposite.  However, lately I feel like I am turning into an adult which is good, right? You're supposed to grow up and get over those silly things you did as a teenage, aren't you?

    Which brings me to my next questions: How is someone supposed to make friends, when they are out of touch with the things people their own age do?  I have lots of people that I can chat with and even go out for coffee with but close friends, those are very limited.  I don't know if I push people away or they just don't want to be my friend, but, I have nothing in common with most of the people I come in contact with.  They talk about sex, drinking and other things.  Most of the time I have no idea what they're talking about (for instance I had no idea a car was called a whip) which is embarrassing to admit.  I sometimes worry that I act like a little old lady, it's true most of the people that I really connect with are forty and up.  At two different jobs I made friends with a sixty year old lady and a fifty year old lady.  They were so nice and I absolutely loved their company, chatting with them made the days go by so much faster!  

    I guess it's really my own fault, I just enjoy doing things like playing cards, reading, watching T.V. and spending time with my family.  I do drink but it's very rare (when I do it's wine and I usually end up drinking the bottle because it's so tasty!) I don't smoke or do drugs and I listen to 50's and 60's pop music.  I want to drive a 56 Belaire not a 2012 Camero... guess I was just born in the wrong generation.  
Maybe this whole vintage thinking has started to become an obsession?

Does anyone else ever feel like this? Like you just don't fit in and it's hard to make a new friends?

Love and quirky people,



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