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Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's Started With A Book

It Started With A Book

     I don't really know why but I blame J.K. Rowling, why can I not stop reading books of magic and mystical creatures that are meant for a younger audience?  Harry Potter is an obsession and I think I am going to get some kind of quote in honor of a book and movie taking up more than a decade of my life.  Seriously people we are the Potter Generation... well I am on the outer cusp of the Potter Generation, but, people like my little brother that were like ten when the first movie came out and have literally grown up reading and watching these movies- they, they are the Potter Generation.  

    Then came Twilight, the sparkly vampires.  I've read them and watched each movie as well.  They don't hold a candle to the Potter series.  The plots good- the writing atrocious.  Plus it gave us Kristen Stewart and all her lower lip biting glory, for that I will always blame you Stephenie Meyer for unleashing this emotionless sour puss on main stream pop culture.  Yeah I said it and so did a million other tabloids.

    Seriously lets call a girl that blows off college and wants to get married at the age of sixteen a roll model.  Being that she gets pregnant at the age of eighteen I think she should be the next character on Teen Mom.  I like my vampires sucking the blood of humans not being "vegetarians" and knocked up teenage girls.  While I'm on the subject how does the physics of this work?  I mean the guy is dead, one, would think he would lack the blood flow to a specific area to make this possible.

     Now there are books like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and Jane and the Damned.  Classics with a twist, I just read the Jane and the Damned book.  Was with it all the way until the end.  Ugh the end just pissed me off to no end, I literally (forgive me public library) threw it on the ground and walked off. Don't you just hate books like that?  You get to the end of the book and everything is going great, you've been enjoying the hours spent reading this authors hard work and you're like, yes, well done I've found a new author I may just go out and find more of their work then- BAM!  Sorry, do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars.  This book just crashed and burned.

    I guess I am just going to wait and see what else J.K. Rowling rolls out, a little part of me is hoping that this grown up book has something to do with Potter.  Perhaps a more in depth prequel?

      Oh, I realize I could add The Hungers Games to this little rant, but, I found them to be well written and gave us something else to read about besides spirits of the under world.  So there ya go.  But for me it will always be Harry Potter- Always...

Love and Tween Reading Lists For All:


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