Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just Another Day at the Office

Just Another Day at the Office

      So I've been at my job now for two days, I like it a lot.  The world of customer service is something everyone should experience once.  Really, some people do need to work these jobs just so they would know that screaming at someone does not make your order come in faster, cursing someone does not make you t.v. service come back and it certainly does not make anyone want to help you in a timely matter.

      As of yet I haven't heard anything too crazy, I got worse when I worked for a collections company but since I've worked various call center jobs I know the people taking the call aren't the problem.  It's the companies policy.  I know it's frustrating when the rep spouts off policy jargon and gives you an I don't care attitude.  Trust me it's not personal, you're probably like that person 50th phone call and they have been beat to death by stupid people that can't use common sense to figure their own problems out.

      But you have no idea how happy I am to be working a real job again.  If you've ever been without a job for any period of time then you can understand how frustrating it can be to watch your spouse go and work their ass off and all you can do is clean and cook.  If we were in the position for me to stay at home and cook and clean I would probably take it, just because I love my house being clean... like super clean!  It's almost impossible for me to keep up with it when I work full time.  But alas, this isn't the fifties and everyone has to work. 

    I am really hoping this job turns into somewhat off a career.  That I can actually stay here and work someway to a manager position.  I promise to keep everyone posted through out the good days and the bad days!  Gonna relax and watch some America's Got Talent and read a book.

Love and 9-5 jobs:


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