Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Khakis and Dress Pants

Khakis and Dress Pants

     My work has been keeping me pretty busy so doing a daily blog isn't going so well.  I like the job, and, seem to be picking it up slowly but steadily.  Although if any of my colleagues are reading this they may beg to differ.  Week days are okay, until about five o'clock then all hell breaks lose.  People are getting off work so that's there chance to call in and take care of whatever issues they may be having.  The mornings and afternoons aren't too bad, sometimes steady but really it's just busy work and a crossword puzzle or two.

   As much as I like it though, I can see that it will be a repetitive job.  Sunday, jeans... get to be casual.  Every other weekday, khakis or black pants.  Get up do the left over dishes, walk the dog wear the khakis.  Come home, make dinner, watch t.v. and read until falling asleep.  Wake up put on black dress pants, walk dog, watch morning new shows, go to work.  Come home for lunch, walk dog, eat soup and salad, go back to work, come home, bring home dinner, watch t.v., take bath, read until falling asleep.  Wake up, wear khakis, walk dog, go to work, come home for lunch, walk dog, go back to work, come home play with dog, argue about dinner, watch t.v., paint, go to sleep.  This will be my life for the next few years. How exciting.  

   Really though the thought that gets me through my day, is knowing I come home to Daniel and Oscar.  I know, I know, excuse you while you vomit from the sweetness of that sentiment, but, it's true.  While I am sitting at work, listening to a person that keeps breaking there recliner because they're too fat to sit in it in the first place, I just keep thinking- five more hours and I get to be with my best friend.  Four more hours to go and I can go laugh and talk with someone that truly wants me to be there and loves my company.  Three more hours and I'm out of here.  

    I'm not sure what's clicked, but, for the first time I don't want to leave my job.  Sure, I'd rather be at home with Dan but that isn't reality.  Reality is everyone has to work.  Everyone has to do something, and, when I wasn't working I was bored out of my mind.  Bring home a paycheck really helps too. I got my first paycheck today.  I forgot how satisfying it is to know that you earned that money and for the time being you will have your bills paid and food in you fridge.

Love and paychecks,


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