Welcome to my world, this blog is nothing more than the randomness that dominates my life. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Seasonal Bipolar Disorder

My Seasonal Bipolar Disorder

   This is just my quirky self coming out, but, in the dead of winter I am bursting for the summer sunshine and green grass. I want to go outside and watch a baseball game and eat snow-cones, go to the lake and go fishing or just looking for that summer rain shower that I love so much.  No matter the season my most favorite weather is a gray and drizzly day, I just want to curl up and read a good book on days like those! 

   Then when it reaches summer and we are having the 103 degree days that we're experiencing now (real temp feeling was 111, yikes!), I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.  I want to carve pumpkins on crisp autumn days and toast marshmallows by an open fire.  I actually feel like those days when I was cooped up inside my house while a blizzard was raging outside wasn't so bad.  

   It's really only in extreme weather when I start itching for a change of temperature.  It also doesn't really help that the A/C unit in my office started to malfunction and I was sweating like a pig for the last three hours of work.  I ruined a page of notes fanning myself, but I digress.  To try and beat the heat I like to imagine myself on top of a snowy mountain making snow angels! Just rolling in the snow like a dog rolls in grass, ahhh, yes that thought is like biting into a York Peppermint Patty. Refreshing!

   I really love Autumn and would probably be happy to walk around looking at pretty foliage, drinking apple cider and putting out scary Halloween decorations for most of the year.  Spring time isn't really my thing, probably because I suffer from extreme allergies and Spring time pollen is a mortal enemy of mine!  Although, who doesn't love seeing the world wake up from it's winter's nap? It is very pretty and reassuring.   

   So, does anyone else suffer from Seasonal Bipolar Disorder or is it just me that thinks the grass is greener on the other side?

Love and Air Conditioners,


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