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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fourth of July Picnic

Fourth of July Picnics
  For some reason when I think of the Fourth of July, images of WWII posters come to my mind, well that and an apple pie.  I think of the movie Pearl Harbor and dream of a time when people were truly patriotic.  Every year on the Fourth I dress like Rosie the Riveter, handkerchief and all!  I usually spend the day with my family, cooking out, playing games and swimming.  

    This year I get the good fortune of working on our nation's birthday, we don't even get time and a half for it either.  That's okay I will still dress up and we're having a pot luck that day, I know have to figure out what I'm going to bring with me.  Between you and me, though, I'd rather have the cash, but I digress.

  I get off work at seven so I will get to see the fireworks, last year Dan and I laid a blanket outside and watch the fireworks in the neighborhood- I am hoping we get to do that again.  I'm sure Oscar isn't looking forward to it though.  I've never seen a dog that likes the Fourth, it must be scary for them- all these booms and sparks all over the place. If I was a dog I would run for the hills!

  For this entry I thought I would try and find the most vintage-y patriotic poster's I could.  But, I couldn't help but putting these last few in.  I was in the ninth grade when Sept. 11 happened the in 2011 I got to go to New York and stand there at ground zero.  Even all these years later, there is still a quite hush that falls across those few blocks.  This was our generations Pearl Harbor, it did spark a fan of patriotism that fanned across our country.  I just wish it didn't take something so devastating for us to remember why our country is so great.  

So tell me whats your Patriotic Fourth of July traditions?

Love and Apple Pies,


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